My dog wants to sleep with me on the bed!

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My dog wants to sleep with me on the bed!

Every night, many times before I even go to bed I find him under the covers! Many times I have to move because I get in his way!

So many dogs leave their beds, no matter how comfortable they are, and many dog ​​parents wonder how to change it! But why does this happen?

Weather and caresses

First, the weather plays an important role, since if it's cold, the warm duvet is ideal. Who wants to chill alone curled up in a round bed? Guess what! dogs have other sleeping positions and especially large dogs don't get comfortable easily! However, don't be surprised if they don't even approach you now that it's summer. Why? they get hot too!

Of course, there is also the possibility that they feel deprived of caresses and this is one way of showing it. They are like children and when something is forbidden to them, at the same time it becomes equally attractive. Put a camera on when you are away from home and you will find that it does all the forbidden things.

The importance of love

Of course, dogs are man's most devoted companions and their love works wonders. So the quickest and simplest answer to the original question is one. They want to sleep with us because they just love us.

After all, love is the answer to everything and devotion is the tangible proof of that.

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