Nefeli Meg introduces us her bestie, her cat, lady Marmalade!

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Nefeli Meg introduces us her bestie, her cat, lady Marmalade!

In the exciting world of social media, a popular influencer shares life with her most devoted fan and companion - her cat.

Today, we have the pleasure of getting into @nefelimeg's world and her fantastic (and grumpy) cat, Marmalade. Let's discover more about this unique relationship.

When did you first meet Marmalade? What made you adopting her?

Well, the story of Marmalade is very funny. Marmalade was hosted from my ex boyfriend. He decided to move to Thessaloniki so we can be together but I finally realized that I don't want him anymore. So in the end in order not to feel alone he decided through a cat group in Thessaloniki to adopt her. When I saw Marmalade for the first time, I fell in love with her. One that you sit on me, one that likes my ex more! So when he returned back to Athens, he asked me what will happen to the cat, which had already come to my house and I answered him that there is no way you can take this cat and somehow I stayed with me.

Tell us a little about her character so we can get to know her better, what do you think makes her unique?

Marmalade is really like a dog. Especially when she was younger, she used to chase me around the house. She has a dog psychology, she is endlessly cuddly and pours herself on you like jam that's why she was named like that. She doesn't bite and doesn't scratch. It's a godsend.

Has her character changed at all since you adopted her?

When she was younger she used to be more active, now in her seven year of age she is more relaxed. The fact that we don't live in Thessaloniki cost her a lot. That house is her favorite, Every time we go there she is very calm and playful. I changed many apartments here in Athens and that fact upsets her. It's too crowded here unfortunately and that's something that makes me sad.

Is there a particularly intense moment with her that comes to mind?

When i first come to Athens i lived in Kypseli, even though I had put a mesh on the balcony, the Marmeladaki had somehow managed to go to the next balcony where no one was. I in my panic that she could not go back, I broke the partition glass with my bare hand without a towel, with nothing to pull her and save her because I was afraid she would jump down and I would lose her forever.

What's it like living with Marmalade? Do you have a favorite activity you do together?

It is indeed cohabitation because cats are not pets, they are roommates. I love when she wants me to throw the mouse at her and she brings it back like the good dog that she is. Of course, we spent more quality time in Thessaloniki because it was calmer. Here in Athens it is much quieter. In Thessaloniki, for example, he used to sleep more on me now he has stopped. The heat can also be to blame!

Has being with her affected your work, your creativity or the way you think?

The truth is, they are the best company for me. I never feel alone with Marmalade at home. It has made me more tender, more expressive, more responsible, I feel like I'm leaving myself and I have to think of another little creature that really expects me to live.

How do you balance your busy schedule with the responsibilities of looking after Marmalade?

If it wasn't for MyBestie, I think I'd be farting because I need to leave the house for days too many times. Of course cats are more independent but mine is extra social and she needs love, she wants someone to talk to her, so if the girls weren't there my bestie should come here and keep her company, play with her so she doesn't feel lonely, I think that my psychology would not be good at all!

Would you like to share a funny incident about Marmalade? What tips or advice would you give to new or future pet owners?

The funny incident is that once in Edessa, I was searching for Marmelada inside the house because it's big, and I thought she had gone out the door since we had a cleaner, and I thought, Okay, she left! I kept calling her, and usually when I call Marmelada, she responds and comes. But this time, she probably wanted to play, and even though I called her for about an hour, she didn’t come out. She had hidden, and I couldn't see her because she's black, and she was inside a bookshelf between the books, blending in with them, and I really couldn't find her. Play with your pets because we are their only friends. We are the ones they will know in this life they spend here, which is much shorter than our own. We may feel tired, and we may feel that we don't have extra energy, especially after a long day, but our pets are waiting for us.

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