Meet Mariposa's family. Helena Mariposa and her besties

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Meet Mariposa's family. Helena Mariposa and her besties

In the glittering universe of influencing, every post is a piece of art and Elena Mariposa stands out. In this exclusive interview, she unveils her world to us.

We also get to meet her two beloved cats, Achilles and Leonidas who make her life full of purrs and love. Elena Mariposa talks about the ups and downs of being a cat mom.

How did you first come across these two cats and decide that you want them?

I wasn’t always a cat person but I eventually got the urge to adopt one. Then I told my friends about it and one of my closest friends informed me about some neonates in Piraeus which were living under serious threats on the streets there. I didn’t have much time for consideration because we just rushed there whereupon I saw him, fell in love with him at once and took him home. That’s how Leonidas came into my house. After sometime, life with a cat started becoming interesting to me, so I thought about getting another one too. Achilles took more effort when searching for him than Leonidas. One day though, someone from an animal security group called me regarding a tiny kitten that had been saved after losing its fellow cat sibling few hours ago – this was him; he was Achilles!

Two tomcats are often at odds, it is said. How did you manage to ensure peace at home?

I did not expect them to like each other at the beginning but I stayed composed and watched as time and nature took their course. Initially, I kept them in separate rooms when Achilles came in; however he slipped away immediately, and they met instantly. In fact Leonidas with exception of that assault he subjected to Achilles has never made a move against him. They eventually became best friends after keeping patience over a long period.

Describe the personalities and unique traits of each cat.

Leonidas is your typical cat: he stays aloof always arriving when he feels like so which is almost never. He’s more distant, coy, hiding his feelings from others. Yet, only soft spokenness about himself indicates that “master of the house” feeling about him. On the contrary Achilles would be my dog if you ask me. He sticks to me all the time as if we were glued together. I have not met a more loving cat than him even though his size has increased significantly; he still remains himself.

Is there anything funny you'd like to share?

Well, I wouldn't say there are many funny incidents, more annoying ones. Notably, they have this magic, irritating way of opening their food dispenser even when I've secured it from all sides. The last time I left, I put a 5kg weight on the lid and they still managed to open it. The team at mybestie have been eyewitnesses—it's the pure truth: really, we have tried everything, from tape and weights to books. I don't know what to do further. The two cats are now a gang.

How's life with two cats. Any challenges or issues you have faced and overcome?

Life with two cats is beautiful, but very exhausting. Much patience and perseverance are needed. I enjoy being with them, so much so that they're just like family now. But moments do come when it gets overwhelming. Indescribable is the mess they leave behind. It often feels like having two cats is equivalent to having ten. And cleaning—oh boy. I'm always holding a cleaning spray and a litter scoop. That litter box needs to be pristine; otherwise, there's a good chance of accidents.

How is it that Leonidas and Achilles have impacted or changed your life and your viewpoint?

They've helped me experience the beauty of pausing time and just being present. I find myself stopping everything to look at them, cuddle, and share moments—something I wouldn't have done. Now, I sometimes turn everything off to really be with them. They remind me that existence is essential; sometimes we need to stop and appreciate our existence.

Do you think they have inspired or shaped the content which you post?

Absolutely, they have influenced me a lot. I have even prepared a profile just for them @leonidas_kai_achilleas (FOLLOW!!!). Initially, it was only for Leonidas, but now it is for both. I try to post as much as possible, though running two profiles is quite hard. According to my followers, they would like to see them more because they are cute and funny, so yes, they helped me create happy content.

How do you take care of their health and well-being? Do you have any specific feeding or grooming rituals?

Since they are both boys, I feed them special food that is excellent for their urinary health. I actually spend a pretty penny on their food because it's very important to their long-term health. I've also recently started taking them to a groomer 2-3 times a year to bathe them, which they really need for the sake of their coats. Moreover, I trim their nails every two weeks. Leonidas does not mind nail trimming, while Achilles still gets used to it, but fortunately, he is easy to handle.

What would you advise someone who wants to adopt a pet for the first time?

Do so at your own risk, though. Be well informed, have a suitable space, and be equipped with what you will need. Despite these challenges, though, I cannot imagine life without my cats. I was never a cat person, but since getting Leonidas, everything changed. I know how these animals go, and how much love they are capable of giving. IF YOU'RE SURE, THEN YES, ADOPT!!! DON'T BUY, ADOPT!!

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