Meeting your new dog. 4 tips to help you

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Meeting your new dog. 4 tips to help you

If you love animals, it's definitely hard for you not to start petting and kissing the moment you see your dog for the first time. But dogs don't always behave the same. MyBestie have gathered some tips to make the first meeting a success.

1. Give him time and respect his space

Wait for him to approach you first and don't invade his space. In general, when the owner of a dog is in front, first ask if you can approach. Once you get close, mimic the dog's behavior and turn your body to the side. When dogs greet each other, they usually approach from the side or rear.

2. Keep your arms at your sides

It is important that the dog is calm as he gets to know you. Many dogs like to reach out to smell you but some are afraid. So it's best to keep your hands at the side and once the dog is comfortable, give it a pat under the chin or on the side. Avoid being over his head.

3. Listen to his body language

Dogs are like people and have different personalities and moods. Sometimes even the friendliest dog can be moody and want to be left alone. So don't try to hug or be overly effusive at first meeting, even if the dog is irresistibly cute.

To understand when the dog feels familiar, notice if its body is relaxed, if it has an open mouth, relaxed ears and face and of course if it is wagging its tail. Conversely, if his body appears tense and rigid, his ears are tucked back on his head and his tail is tucked away then the dog is likely to be frightened and likely to bite if he feels provoked.

4. Don't succumb to bad behavior

If the dog jumps at you, then back away by taking a few steps. We never encourage bad behavior by saying "it's okay". It takes a lot of patience and persistence to train a dog and interactions with strangers are the best example to teach them proper behavior.

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