Chrysida Gagouti and Vivaldi: A love affair with hums and music

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Chrysida Gagouti and Vivaldi: A love affair with hums and music

Today in the column, we introduce Chrysiida Gagouti, a strong comedian and radio producer who holds a very sharp sense of humor and self-deprecation. The column is besides the fact that she enjoys her peace, love, and happiness with her beloved cat called Vivaldi. She shared touching stories showing how special the bond was between her and Vivaldi.

This interview is an intimate journey that gives a glimpse into the authentic and emotional relationship between Chrysiida Gagouti and her beloved companion, Vivaldi.

How did you meet Vivaldi, and what made you adopt him?

Let me take you way back to 2019, when I lost my dog, Lou, after nine years of companionship. It came as a big shock, but there was that feeling of emptiness as if something was missing in my life because I was not hosting any pet. I started looking for something totally different from Lou so I would not compare and deepen my wound. I looked for another gender, size, and breed, until I saw Vivaldi in a post my friend had, and thought, why not a cat? I had a bias against cats, but the moment I saw him, I fell in love. A friend had found him alone as a baby in some public restrooms, crying and searching for his mother. Well, he found her! We slept together day and night, and I would wake up all night to feed him. I truly felt like a mother to an infant! And that's how this bond started!

The name Vivaldi isn't very common. How did you decide to name him that?

I've always been involved with music, and I especially love classical. I was seeking a male pet to be named after my favorite composer, Beethoven, but as you can imagine, Hollywood took that name. So Vivaldi was the name I picked for my cat. I remember being so pleased with the name that every morning, I would wake him up with Vivaldi playing. I guess that is why I have scratches on me to this day!

How has Vivaldi affected your everyday life?

My life with Vivaldi finally became funny. No matter how much I describe everyday situations, I just can't explain to a person how much you laugh during your day if you have a cat. Yes, you have fewer every-day responsibilities compared to having a dog, but they still keep you on your toes. They are the most adorable little devils!

Share a light-hearted incident, probably funny or strange, that people close to you might not know about.

There isn't any notable act Vivaldi has done that I have not shared. But the greatest was when he made my mom realize that she had cancer. One night, he hugged one of her breasts and cried, so we got curious, and my mom rushed to get the necessary tests. She was diagnosed with very aggressive breast cancer. She was told that if she came six months later, there was absolutely no chance of survival. So, in essence, Vivaldi has magically saved my mom!

Provide a description of his personality to get to know him better.

They say that pets adopt many of their owner's traits, and the more I observe Vivaldi, the more I get it. He is socialized to people, traffic, and different environments, and adjusts well. His sociability has limits, though: he will not cuddle anywhere but chooses the time and the person-usually very reserved people who respect his space. He decides on his use of time by being alone, sleeping, or being petted. He can sometimes bear a grudge if things do not go as per his whims. However, I do accept that he is indeed very intelligent! Sometimes, I get surprised by how intuitive he is and how he does my vibe management. If Vivaldi were human, he'd definitely be more like Yannis Bezos or even me; time will tell!

What is Vivaldi happy about? Does he have a favourite habit?

He is not like any other cat; he doesn't care to play with toys but will all day on a loose thread or hair tie. Cat toys were such a waste of money! He's so happy if I can spend some hours at home, chill out, play some games, snuggle, cook together, do all the nice things in our daily life. Not so possible with us!

What problems did you face as a parent to a cat?

Other than that, I don't have any particular challenge besides the first two years that were like a nomad's life, changing places every week with a suitcase and a cat. He has damaged some places of friends for which I have compensated, and he hasn't adjusted to new environments all that well, but that was how my life was, and he adjusted to the fullest!

Do you have any tips regarding cat-keeping?

Honestly, I haven't gone much into that. Other cat parents would have more to say! I am strict only with his diet. I don't compromise on his eating "junk food" from the supermarket. I want specific, nutrient-rich food from pet shops that is thoroughly checked. I care about the stress levels also. Well, he went through so much stress at the beginning of his life, so now that I'm able to provide him with stability, I just don't have friends over in situations that are not too relaxing-for instance, bringing along their own pets-so that I not stress Vivaldi out. And that actually works out pretty nicely. It keeps things relaxed.

Are there any products or gadgets you find useful for cat owners?

Yes! It has saved me! Since I did not want to put a bell on him to distress him, yet, on occasions when he has hidden under furniture and I couldn't hear where he is, I needed some way of being able to locate him! So I got a collar that allows me to connect via Bluetooth to my phone. Every time I want to find him, I press a button, and the sound produced doesn't affect the cats. That's just perfect!

Now, can you share from experience a bit of advice to new cat parents regarding Vivaldi?

Dare to adopt cats! They are misunderstood creatures, and because they are independent, so the human egoistic mind finds it hard to accept! When they love, they love forever and uniquely! Provide your cat with as much stability and peace as possible, accompanied by love, affection, and care. Everyone cares in their own way; I wouldn't intervene in that. Just as you treat your child with care, you owe the same to your pet!

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