The actress Ornela Louti presents her beloved dog Cookie

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The actress Ornela Louti presents her beloved dog Cookie

Today in our interview, the very talented Greek actress Ornela Luti speaks with us. Off stage, Ornela shares some funny stories about her life as a "mom" to a gorgeous dog named Cookie.

Ornela opens up about her much-loved pet and how Cookie came into her life and changed everything-both personally and professionally-with a candid insight into being a dog mom and her highs and lows. We talk about the cultural perception of pets in Greece and how we can improve this in the future. Come with us while we explore their selfless love!

How did Cookie come into your life? Was adopting a dog something you were looking into, or was it a chance encounter?

I have been a dog lover all my life. I grew up in a family with dog and i also had another dog called Bruno before taking Cookie in. I met Cookie in 2011 through a friend, and it was love at first sight.

How did the presence of Cookie change and shape your life?

She helped me see things more simply and practically, reducing the tendency to overthink. Cookie is not a pet but a family member, somebody that provides companionship and joy.

How does a dog fit in such a demanding profession like acting?

She does, however, I feel that it is quite possible to have a dog with an acting career that keeps me on my toes; this is especially so with the help of family and friends. Although the routine every day in acting is quite unpredictable, we have adjusted to each other's schedules.

What's Cookie's personality like? Tell us a little about her.

Cookie is a Taurus, just like me, and we really have much in common by personality: she is smart, loyal, stubborn, persistent, sweet. She adores bikes and often asks for what she wants with a sweet bark.

Have you ever co-starred with a pet in the theatre or on TV? How was your experience?

I did a commercial once where a cat knocks over a vase. The shooting was really challenging because it's hard to work with animals, let cats alone.

Can you tell me something funny about Cookie doing something?

Cookie is so excited to get her favourite treat that she'll run around the house trying to find some place to hide it while sometimes trying to howl with the treat in her mouth.

Do you think there are still prejudices about having pets in Greece? What would you do to change that?

I believe that even today, there are so many restrictions on having pets with you in public. My list includes beaches, rentals, and public transportation. I strongly believe that if people were educated-children especially in school-the acceptance of pets and how to treat them would be much better.

Because Cookie is a senior dog, what have you learned about caring for older dogs?

As Cookie has grown older, there have been changes with some of her care, in terms of walks' length and diet. She does not hear or see very well, but she enjoys all the rest.

You also care for many cats at home. How did this happen?

Their yard is full of cats now, from an initial one that attracted others searching for food. We have given names to all of them: Foudoulis, Phoebus, Bella, Blaky, Miu, Lisa, and Sifis but only Caramela is allowed to come inside.

What message would you like to share with our readers about the importance of emotion, responsibility, and love in our relationships with pets based on your experiences with Cookie and other animals?

I say that dogs are the most faithful, loving, and sweetest companions of all and I critically promotes adoption over purchase of pets.

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