New puppy in the house. Time for your family to grow

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New puppy in the house. Time for your family to grow

The fact that you decided with great joy and anticipation to get a second puppy, does not mean that the dog or dogs in the house will feel the same way. You may be out walking for so long and when he sees another pet he goes crazy with joy at the prospect of playing, but maybe it's not the same as a symbiosis.

It can be done very smoothly but there is also the chance that the first dog will be shocked or change its behavior or even unpleasant events. That is why it should be done with patience and careful steps.

How we prepare

  1. Before the new puppy arrives, make sure the dog you have has had all the vaccinations.
  2. Find a neutral place for the two dogs to meet and collect all their personal belongings to avoid possessive behaviors.
  3. Put a leash on both and let them come close, smell each other and maybe go for a leisurely walk. It is good that they are next to each other.
  4. If they start complaining, ignore them. Stay calm, pet them, give them treats, wait for them to calm down and try in a while.
  5. Ask them to eat on different plates side by side and not facing each other.
  6. When you get home let the first dog practically invite the puppy. Keep both leashed until the puppy explores the area and the first dog accepts it without reacting.

Consult an expert

Certainly, if you are concerned or have questions, do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian or a dog trainer. What you have to remember is that we don't push situations and give time. Think how a sudden roommate would look to you?

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