Summer survival guide for cats: Understanding and managing feline behavior in hot weather

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Summer survival guide for cats: Understanding and managing feline behavior in hot weather

During the summer, cats exhibit several behaviors to cope with the heat. Unlike dogs, cats are less prone to heat-related health problems due to their nature of conserving energy and staying inactive during the hotter parts of the day.

At, in addition to hosting animals, we are committed to highlighting key points that help you understand feline behavior in the summer.

Energy conservation

Cats often take longer naps and reduce their activity levels during the hottest parts of the day. They prefer to be active during cooler times, such as early morning or late evening. This helps them avoid overheating and maintain a stable body temperature.

Seeking cool surfaces

Cats instinctively look for cooler areas to rest, such as tile floors, shaded spots, or basements. These surfaces help conduct heat away from their bodies, keeping them cooler.

Increased grooming

Grooming plays a crucial role in a cat's cooling process. The saliva on their fur evaporates, providing a cooling effect similar to sweating in humans.


Ensuring that cats have access to fresh, cool water is vital. Cats tend to drink more water in hot weather to stay hydrated and cool down. Adding ice cubes to their water can help keep it cool longer.

Fur insulation

Surprisingly, a cat’s fur can act as an insulator, protecting them from both heat and sunburn. Regular brushing helps remove excess fur and reduce the risk of overheating.

If your cat shows signs of heat stress, such as excessive panting, lethargy, or drooling, it is important to cool them down immediately and consult a veterinarian. Providing air conditioning, fans, and shaded areas, along with plenty of water, can help prevent heat-related issues​.


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