My roomie, my bestie, my cat... Ray

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My roomie, my bestie, my cat... Ray

Many pet owners allow their cats to roam the neighborhood carefree and return whenever they wish. For example, my Ray (from Ray Charles) spends his time with the neighbor's turtle, in her yard. I think he has fallen in love with her!

Of course, it is recommended by the state to keep them at home for safety reasons. However, identification either in the form of a collar or a microchip, is very important. And if finally manages to slip away and go for a walk, the ID increases the chances of him returning safely.

Cat feeding

When it comes to feeding you need to figure out what kind of food works for your pet. Some felines are natural "hunters" and can easily find their food throughout the day. Some, however, are prone to overeating and must be on a feeding schedule, such as twice a day.

Here be sure to read the nutrition label to make sure there is a good balance of fat and protein. If there are any questions about the labels, then consult your veterinarian.

Within the house, Ray keeps his own nutritional plan! He is on a diet, outside the house he constantly begs from passers-by while pretends to be hungry in the restaurant next door. Yes! he's not a cat, he's an actor!

Equipment for cats

There is also some equipment that you will need to outfit your home. A box with her soil, special toys, nail clippers and a scratching post. Although the latter is not recommended by veterinarians, it is very helpful if a cat really cannot resist the "charm" of the couch.

It is also a good idea to groom your cat. Although they already do this on their own, some really enjoy being brushed.

Veterinary care

Instructions for cats are similar to those for dogs. Be sure to see a vet soon after you bring the cat home to check for worms and make sure he's had his shots.

Like dogs, cats are safe to neuter at around 8 weeks of age. Adult cats should undergo regular check-ups at least once a year, while many veterinarians recommend twice. It only takes 30 minutes of your time and your cat will stay healthy.

It is important to remember that most cats do not like visiting the vet. So make sure to make their transportation as attractive as possible.

Don't ask about Ray, he clearly hates the process unless you get him a nice treat!

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