The fact that you decided with great joy and anticipation to get a second puppy, does not mean that the dog or dogs in the house will feel the same way.
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For many people there is another choice of pet that can become the ideal member of the family, the elderly pet! Below, you will find 5 reasons you should consider adopting a lovable senior animal.
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If you love animals, it's definitely hard for you not to start petting and kissing the moment you see your dog for the first time.
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Every night, many times before I even go to bed I find him under the covers! Many times I have to move because I get in his way! So many dogs leave their beds, no matter how comfortable they are, and many dog parents wonder how to change it! But why does this happen? Weather and caresses First, the weather plays an important role, since if it's cold, the warm duvet is ideal.
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